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Learn more about all the scholars working with disability history.
Christian Laes
Christian Laes is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Manchester (UK) and Professor of Latin and Ancient History at the University of Antwerp (BE). He has published six monographs and over 100 international contributions on the sociocultural history of Roman and Late Antiquity. Human life course (childhood, youth, sexuality, disabilities) has been one of the focuses of his research.
Lisa Brunet
Lisa Brunet is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Basel (CH), where she is working on a research project titled ‘In nomine patris, filii et ... avi? Grandparenthood in early Christian families’, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Her doctoral thesis focuses the everyday life of pagan grandparents in the Roman Empire (ca. 200 BC – ca. 400 AD). Her research interests include socio-cultural history, gender history and epigraphy.